Friday, December 23, 2011

Open Letter to Iowans

Ron Paul - The only Republican
I would vote for...
Dear Iowan Voters,

Your Governor recently said that if Dr. Ron Paul were to win the Iowa Caucus that everyone would disregard that win and focus on whoever came in second.  I am not even an Iowan and this really concerns me.

His implication is that even though you choose a candidate, your will as the voter should be ignored.  I hope this bothers you.  I hope this bothers you so much that you race to the caucuses and then stay there until they close to be sure of what your Republican Party officials are doing behind closed doors.  I hope that you ensure the count is accurate. I hope you vote your conscience and I hope you vote for liberty.  But most importantly, I hope you take your voting more seriously than your Governor does.

Why your support of Dr. Paul is so important...

Dr. Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one Congressman to comment that “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another Congresswoman added that “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.” To put things in another light, Dr. Paul is the real deal.  A real Conservative in the tradition of Barry Goldwater (Conscience of a Conservative) with a voting record in the House of Representatives spanning 30 years to back it up. He has never once voted for anything that violated the Constitution of the United States, which every current candidate has voted to uphold and failed to do so.

Here are his views and the reasons you should strongly consider him as your candidate:

- Foreign Policy/Foreign Aid and Support of Military Personnel
- Federal Reserve
- Life and Abortion
- Domestic Policy/Borders
- Energy Independence
- Gun Rights
- Workers Rights
- Homeschooling
- Budget Plan

Our nation is bankrupt because we have had so many leaders who refuse to uphold their vow to protect and defend the Constitution of these United States. We have, through ignorance or apathy, allowed them to corrupt our nation and its guiding principals.  There is one man, who for the last 30 years has never broken his vow to follow the Constitution and has the voting record to prove it. That man is Ron Paul.  And this is the man that your Governor implies you should ignore.  The press has done everything to marginalize him,  Your own Governor wants to ignore him.  You the people are starting to see the solution by selecting him. Who's opinion is most important?

Do you agree with your Governor's position?  And if you do not, do you want to keep him as your Governor for another term if he is willing to disregard the will of you, The People?

Vote your conscience. Vote for Liberty. Vote for Security.  Vote for your family.  Vote Ron Paul.

(for more on Dr. Ron Paul - here and here)


  1. Well said. It would make a beatiful video.
    VOTE For RON PAUL 2012

  2. Check this link out and see what the Lunatics are attempting to smear Ron Paul with.
