Friday, March 30, 2012

Hypocrisy and the High Court

As many of you are aware, we are in the middle of a great battle in the Supreme Court over Obama's healthcare law.  Several states have joined together to file suit against the bill on the grounds that it is un-Constitutional.  I am not going to rehash what is already out there regarding it's Constutionality here.  That is a well covered topic.

What I want to cover is the hypocricy in the House and Senate members who made this bucket of slop a law...

During the arguments on Obamacare, conservative justice, Antonin Scalia compared the task of reading the law cover to cover as "cruel and unusual punishment," saying it violated the 8th Amendment.  He even asked the question, "You really want us to go through these 2,700 pages? Is this not totally unrealistic...that we are going to go through this enormous bill item by item and decide each one?”  This comment sent Democrat senators and congressman into a hypocritical, self-righteous tizzy...

Justice Antonin's comments upset Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and hurt his little feelings.  Senator Nelson is a member of the Gang of 14, which in 2005 established guidelines for considering judicial nominees.  He is probably upset that he had nothing to do with Scalia's nomination, which happened in 1986.  He said,  “I am concerned that Justice Scalia’s comments call into question his impartiality and instead suggest judicial activism,” It would appear that Nelson was disturbed by Scalia’s suggestion that reading the law was too much to expect of justices ruling on its constitutionality.  Set aside that Scalia's comments were sarcastic (which he is known for) and made fun of the assinine practice of loading up a bill so that a Senator or Congressman doesn't have time to read the whole thing before voting on it.

My guess it that Senator Nelson probably felt like he got a major boot to the head.  Simply put, Justice Antonin's comments were a commentary on "acceptable practices" currently in our Legislature.  Dems just happen to be under the target more direct in this particular case, since it is their "Obamanation" of a healthcare law that is under scrutiny.  And Senator Nelson was not the only Dem who felt personally attacked by the accurate comments of Justice Scalia...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), questioned Scalia’s complaint about the bill’s length too.

"These arguments are flip and specious, that’s all I can say,” said Feinstein.  Only, that wasn't all she had to say.  Feinstein said striking down the healthcare law would have "enormous implications that should be taken very seriously. This could take down Social Security, too..." she said. "If the questions indicate a trend line as reported there’s real jeopardy for the government to achieve any real benefits for people. Even Medicaid is in question."  She went on to say that Congress put in a lot of years of work and "thought" into healthcare reform in the years since former First Lady Hillary Clinton spearheaded a failed healthcare reform effort in 1993.  So much thought and work that the bill was 2700 pages long.  "This is the biggest Supreme Court hearing in terms of effect on the nation in my lifetime," she said.

Am I the only one seeing (calling out, writing about) the hypocrisy here?

One of the Dem ring leaders for this whole Obamacare fiasco is none other than the House "Queen Bee" herself.  Nancy Pelosi.  Does anyone remember what she said about "reading the bill?"  And I quote:
“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

This is one of the many things that helped contribute to the anger that we Tea Party activists feel about our bloated federal government.

It is not the only one though.

Here, John Conyers (D), a Congressman from Michigan practically endorses laziness and carelessness in the roles that Congressman play...

"The point to reading it, Mr. Conyers, is so that you can be responsible on what you are voting for!  You hypocritical, hack, politician!  Leave office already!  You obviously don't like to actually work!  It is bad enough that I get to pay your pension with forced taxation for the rest of my life!"

When all is said and done, Justice Scalia went up a notch on my "respectable" list.  The justices are not perfect and I think they do legislate from the bench sometimes, but this time, it was nice to see them point out the hypocrisy in this law and actually refer to the Constitution...

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