A brokered convention is where the presidential campaign season comes to a crescendo and there are not enough delegates won during the presidential primary and caucus elections for any one candidate to to get a majority, during the first official round of voting for the party's presidential candidate at its nominating convention. Once that first ballot has been cast and no candidate has a majority of the delegates' votes, the convention is then considered "brokered"; thereafter, the nomination is decided through a process of political arm twisting, bribery, and additional votes being cast. After this first vote resulting in no selection of a nominee occurs, all regular delegates (who, previously, were pledged to the candidate who had won their respective state's primary or caucus election) are "released," and are able to switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting. That is the slightly plagiarized definition according to Wikipedia, anyway. It is pretty close...
And here is where it is important to us - lovers of liberty.
Contrary to the numbers that are being blown about with every wind of hot-aired ranting by MSM talking heads, the delegate count being assigned to the candidates is only a "W.A.G." That is an acronym for Wild A#%ed Guess. Very few of the states are able to assign their delegates to the winner of the straw poll held on caucus night. And according to Ron Paul's campaign staff, there is every reason to believe that the delegate selection that occurred in many states does not reflect the true number of delegates loyal to the cause of liberty. In other words, it is very possible that Dr. Paul has many more delegates than the MSM would have you believe. And many of the delegates that have to vote for their state's straw poll winner, would be released to vote their conscience in a brokered convention. It is also very likely that many of those delegates are Dr. Paul's as well.
The last brokered Republican convention was in 1948 which led to the selection of Thomas Dewey as the nominee. Otherwise, the last time we came close to a brokered convention was in 1976...the Republican primaries gave President Gerald Ford a slight lead in the popular vote and delegates entering the Republican National Convention, but not enough delegates to secure the nomination. A brokered convention was predicted but Ford managed to receive the necessary support on the first ballot to edge Ronald Reagan. This is the last time a Republican presidential convention opened without the nominee having already been decided in the primaries. As you will recall, Ford was handily beaten by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the election that year.
OK...what does that mean for all of us? Well, you are already, no doubt, seeing all the talking heads and "Republican Leadership" (so-called...) telling the world how disastrous a thing it would be to have a brokered convention, since it would show all the fractures in the Republican Party and that the divisiveness would hand the Presidency back to BHO. "Oh, Lawd!!! If we don't violate our conscience and vote for who they tell us to vote for, the evil will continue! And it will be all our fault for not supporting the establishment!" Of course, this is all utter BS of the highest fertilizer quality. And if you are one of the "tens and tens" of readers who read this blog, then you are probably not swayed by the MSM rhetoric. For those of us who support liberty and the Constitution (namely, Dr. Paul), than what this means is that we have a lot of educatin' of the ignorant masses to do.
So, why do we need a brokered convention? Because it is the only shot we have at overthrowing the establishment's attempt to force a candidate that will continue the madness - it is the only real shot at the People having a voice in these matters. We have a very well oiled, grassroots machine running for Dr. Paul and we have invaded the caucuses and the political system in general. If we can make it to a brokered convention, our candidate has a very real shot at winning the candidacy. It will be the sucker punch to the Republican establishment it so richly deserves. Otherwise, Gingr-Santo-Romney, which is BHO with a different bumper sticker is what we will be stuck with. Make no mistake, to vote for Santorum, Gingrich, or Romney, is simply casting a vote for a Socialist in a different suit. They will be no different that Obama.
Could you imagine the looks on the faces of Brett Baier, Hannity, O'reilly, Limbaugh, Michael Steele and the rest of their ilk? I think that would be worth the price of admission alone...however, we are in the midst of a political revolution for the heart of this Republic. We need to push it to the end...all the way to Tampa.
So, go to http://www.ronpaul2012.com and donate generously to the cause of liberty during our "Give Me Liberty" money bomb and stay the course. Your Republic is depending on you!
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